Significance of FPOs & Role of CSCs
Farmer producer organisations (FPOs) are agricultural cooperatives that are emerging as a practical approach towards empowering a great number of smallholder farmers and ensuring their prosperity. FBO also makes it convenient for governments to bring them into the folds of digitisation and empower them with the benefits of various developmental policies.
Need for and significance of FPOs & Role of CSCs
CSCS / VLEs can help in the collectivization of such small, marginal and landless farmers in order to give them the collective strength to deal with such issues.
• CSC s/ VLEs can help members of the FPO manage their activities together in the organization to get better access to technology, input, finance and market for faster enhancement of their income.
• These small, marginal and landless farmers face tremendous challenges during agriculture production phase such as for access to technology, quality seed, fertilizers and pesticides including requisite finances. FBOs with the help of CSCs can help them to overcome these challenges.
• CSCs can help FBOs to overcome the challenges in marketing their produce due to lack of economic strength.
CSC VLE societies and VLE groups can play an active role in development of strong and viable FPO in your village.
VLE societies, VLE groups or VLEs interested to form FPOs may kindly go through the attached PPT and get in touch with, for further support and guidance.